
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chinese Lanterns

We finished reading a story about a chinese family living in America. We used calligraphy, which we learned in the story to create chinese lanterns.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Synonym Puzzles

Students were given a word, then they were asked to brainstorm synonyms. Finally, they had to find another student in class with a with a synonym for their word.
Friday, September 24, 2010

Walking Trip to Sunbury Community Library

On September 24, we took the trail behind BWE and walked to the library. Ms. Fonda gave a presentation on famous poets. Students then chose two books to check out. For additional information, please visit
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Riding the Wave of Eagle Pride

Homecoming was celebrated this past week (September 13-17). We had a blast decorating the float and walking through the town square with the parade. We had the largest turnout ever! The senior cheerleaders, HS band and some of the varisty football team; led by coach Weaver came for a pep rally to get us pUmPeD for the game. The Eagles were victorious!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1st Week of 3rd Grade

Last week we learned a new spelling game, Heads Up, Spell Up...ask us how we played. We also played a game called Whip Around, to review telling time.